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  2. Izdelki
  3. Obeski za ključe/Keychains
  4. BG3 Goostarion and Scratch acrylic keychains

BG3 Goostarion and Scratch acrylic keychains

10,00 €
These keychains won't guarantee you exclusive nat 20's, BUT they allow you to take a small piece of Faerun and all the adventures you've had with you!
Whether your sandwich is not yours anymore, or you just want to give pets to the bestest boy around, we got just the thing for you! 😉
Ti obeski za ključe ne garantirajo, da boš v naslednji rundi Dnd-ja metal-a same 20-tke, AMPAK ti omogočajo, da s seboj vzameš košček Faeruna in vseh pustolovščin, ki so se ti tam pripetile!
Ne glede na to, če tvoj sendvič ni več zares tvoj, ali če si cel dan božal-a najbolj pridnega kužka na svetu, imamo nekaj zate!

🌸Acrylic keychains with cute illustrations, size cca 6 cm.
(Colours on the photograph might slightly differ from the actual product)

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