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  3. Digitalne grafike/Prints
  4. Albertus The Shocked - digital print

Albertus The Shocked - digital print

5,00 €
Albertus has been shocked since the second half of the 12th century. His first shocking period came after he saw a Rhinoceros for the first time (which, for the record, did not look at all like the illustrations of the time). 💀But, that's how it is - decades go by, Albertus is still shocked and you can now hang him on your walls! 😉
Albertus je v nenehnem stanju šoka že od druge polovice 12.stol.. Prvi šok je doživel, ko je v živo videl nosoroga (ki niti približno ni izgledal kot v iluminiranih manuskriptih) 🦏. Ampak tako pač je, stoletja tečejo, Albertus je šokiran, vi pa si ga lahko zdaj obesite tudi na steno! 🐱

🌸Illustration printed on 250g paper, size cca 14,5 × 14,5 cm.
(Colours on the photograph might slightly differ from the actual product)

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